100% hand-assembled, by me, one by one;
– Hand-wound conductor;
– Made from almost all Italian raw materials (HIFI quality connectors are made abroad).
Of all the cables used in an audio system, the power cable is certainly the most ignored. Yet it does a fundamental job for the entire system: all the electrical energy, all the ‘power’ that your head unit is able to deliver must first of all pass through this cable.
It therefore becomes important that this passage is as ‘smooth’, and that it is ‘hindered’ as little as possible.
Did you curl your eyebrows with a ‘what are you talking about’ expression? Don’t worry, it happens all the time.
The entire world of electrical equipment manufacturers, including all audio amplification systems for musical instruments, supply with their products the classic black power cord, consisting of three 0.75 sq. mm conductors. Normally this cable is perfectly capable of carrying up to 2500 watts (10A on 250V), so more than enough to power any combo system or speaker head. Why then does it become important to use a different cable?
Let us try a simple example. Suppose we drive a few hundred kilometres on the road in a good hatchback and then repeat the entire journey in a luxury sedan. Both cars are perfectly capable of getting the job done, both are comfortable and can get us to our destination without any difficulty… but at the end of the journey which one will we have enjoyed more?
My mains cable will make your amplifier work with more… fluency. The dynamic impact will be smoother, you will hear more ‘freedom’ in the performance.
These are difficult terms to explain in words, the only way to understand exactly what I mean is to give it a try. Again, ‘trying is believing’.
This cable is entirely hand-wound, as there is no manufacturer in the world that can supply me with the conductor to my specifications. It contains four 1.5mm² conductors, a total of 6mm², for each phase. Eight times larger than the classic black cord.
Now, if you are among those who first curled their eyebrows, if you think this is all a ‘set-up’ to sell a cable (which is not cheap either)… I renew my invitation to give it a try.
Rigotti Cables di Gianluca Rigotti – P.IVA 02639340427