100% hand-assembled, by me, one by one;
– Made from Italian raw materials;
– Finished with Italian handcrafted connectors.
The signal cable is the first and main vehicle that carries the music of our instrument. It is important that it interferes as little as possible, so that then the musician has the greatest amount of sound information available.
This is how I thought about my interconnects when I decided to make them: they had to interfere as little as possible.
To achieve this, I decided to completely revise what is called the state of the art in the construction of cables for musical instruments. Compared to traditional cables, I changed the construction geometry, the number of conductors, the plastics in contact with the metal. To make the cable stronger, I increased the internal damping and added an outer mesh sheath. I changed the way the brazing is done.
That was not enough for me: I decided I wanted to use only Italian materials. Everything that makes up my cables is made in Italy, including the hand-assembled connectors.
The result is a line of cables that renders a precise, dynamic and focused sound that does not have the limitations of the traditional cables used in the past.
Rigotti Cables di Gianluca Rigotti – P.IVA 02639340427